Me myself and I

So I really wanted to post pictures of Batman so I didn't introduce myself. Hello I am MJ and I have NOT always loved to sew but thanks to my friend Katie and being a newly wed and no money at Christmas time I learned and have not stopped. That was 7 1/2 years ago now and 3 sewing machines later. My first project was a quilt for my mom who is an avid sewer and the one who always wanted to teach me how to sew.
Needless to say in the last 7 years my sewing skills have gotten more advanced and I have branched off to make custom bags and out of military uniforms. I am an Air Force Brat served 6 years and am married to a wonderful man who is also in the Air Force.

I do sell some of my items on you can find my shop by going to myjoybymichelle

I look forward to sharing my sewing adventures with you and as a keep sake for myself. Here's to happy sewing.

Here is my first quilt made for my mom.


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